
Rajesh Manicavasagam


Tennessee Tech University,Cookeville, TN


(931) 284-3281

Area of Interest

Smart Grid Security


Machine Learning


Demand Response


Testbed for cyberattacks









Sql Server, Oracle, Sqlite



Jan 2018 - Current

Currently enrolled in Doctorate Program (Ph.D. in computer science) in Tennessee Tech University. I worked as a teaching assistant and research assistant in Department of Computer Science. I have been a teaching assistant and research assistant for last 4 years. It involved assisting students on assignments with weekly office hours, helping them in completing lab assignments, grading them, and providing students with valuable feedback. I have been an instructor for the course “Principles of Computing” for last one year. I was responsible for creating the course content, assignments, labs, quizzes and grading along with teaching the class. My experience working in software industry has guided me in providing the students with hands on coding support throughout the course. I also had office hours every week for the students, so that they can meet me personally and discuss on course related topics. .


August 2005 - May 2017

13 years of experience in Software Development Projects and have led every phase of software life cycle (Requirement’s analysis, Designing, Development and implementation) and Business Process Re-engineering. Experienced in Software Methodologies namely Waterfall Model, Rational Unified Process (RUP), Incremental Model, Rapid Application Development (RAD), and Extreme Programming. Proficient in mobile and web-based applications using different programming and scripting languages. .


Summer 2022 - Current

Responsible for creating/updating course materials, in-class teaching, assignments, and grading for the course CSC 1200 - Principles of Computing. The course content involved basic computing principles and basic to medium-level Python programming. Labs and assignments were designed such that students can understand the basics of programming language and guide students to develop logical thinking. Students were given opportunity to present a topic on python which interests them at the end of the course.

Teaching Assistant
August 2019 - December 2022

I have been a teaching assistant in the Department of Computer Science. It involves assisting students on assignments during weekly office hours, helping them in completing lab assignments, grading them, and providing students with valuable feedback. Below are courses for which I have been a teaching assistant

  • CSC 1200 - Principles of Computing
  • CSC 2700 - Discrete Structure for Computer Science
  • CSC 1300 - Introduction to Problem Solving and Computer Programming
  • CSC 1310 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Research Assistant
August 2020 – May 2022

I am currently a research assistant funded by the Center for Energy Systems Research (CESR). The research activities include the creation of a testbed and simulation environment for smart grid applications that include IoT devices. The simulation of Demand Response scenarios provides the utility company with a better understanding the customer behavior and can guide in providing the means to save the cost for both customer and the utility company. It also provides integration of various IoT devices for realistic testing in the simulation environment. The goal of the work is to provide software-based modeling of customer behavior and provide various tools for utility companies for analyzing customer behavior during demand response operations.


  • Rajesh manicavasagam, Mike Rogers, Satish Mahajan, Robert Craven, Chikezie Emeghara Relating Network Behavior to Demand-Response during dDOS Attack in the Smart Grid" has been accepted for inclusion in the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2023 scheduled from 2-3 November 2023 in San Francisco, United States.
  • R. Manicavasagam et al., "Testbed for Evaluating and Analyzing Smart Grid Behavior in Demand Response Scenarios," 2022 14th International Congress on Ultra-Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), Valencia, Spain, 2022, pp. 122-127, doi: 10.1109/ICUMT57764.2022.9943371.
  • Rajesh Manicavasagam, Prabin B Lamichhane, Prajjwal Kandel, Douglas A. Talbert. Drug Repurposing for Rare Orphan Diseases Using Machine Learning Techniques. Accepted for 35th International FLAIRS Conference, 2022
  • Mithu, M. R. A., Rogers, M., Ulybyshev, D., Manicavasagam, R., & Asmar Awad, R. (2021). “Feature Classification for Control System Devices”, The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings, 34.
  • Mithu, M. R. A., Rogers, M., Ulybyshev, D., Manicavasagam, R., & Asmar Awad, R. (2021). “Feature Classification for Control System Devices”, The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings, 34.
  • Mithu, M Rayhan Ahmed, Vadim Kholodilo, Rajesh Manicavasagam, Denis Ulybyshev and Michael Rogers, “Secure Industrial Control System with Intrusion Detection”. 33-rd Intl. FLAIRS conf., AAAI, 2020


  • Evaluating Intrusion Detection and Correlation of traffic in Controls Systems (Ph.D. Thesis) - Control Systems (Smart Grid, Smart Grid, etc.) includes different OSI layers which uses different protocols for communication. Network Intrusion Detection system is not part of all communication layers. Some work for protocol intrusion detection has been done, no holistic work has been on detection on multi-protocol control system network such as smart grid. No work has been done to determine if attack at a particular network layer affect the rest of the network. Research goals are to Investigate the efficacy of ML algorithms for detecting which attacks for each protocol, which attacks at lower-level protocols cause anomalous traffic pattern in upper layer protocols, which ML algorithms effective in detecting attacks in lower-level protocols and methods to identify correlation between anomalous traffic pattern between layers. Our testbed will include smart meter, raspberry pi which will employ Open Automated Demand Response (OpenADR) for Demand Response.
  • Network Intrusion Detection System - This project was to create a network intrusion detection system for SCADA systems that includes power plants, water plants and windmill plants to determine best performing machine learning algorithm. The algorithms included k-means, decision tree, random forest, Support vector machines (SVMs), Feed Forward Network, Voting Classifier and Long short-term memory (LSTM). Datasets were obtained from KDD, NSL-KDD, Mississippi State University (Gas Pipeline), Kaggle (Wind Turbine) and open-source datasets (MODBUS and DNP3 network traffic).
  • Malware detection on android applications - The main goal was to explore malware detection in android mobile application. The part of the process was to collect benign and malware datasets for android applications. Androparse tool was used to detect and classify different android application for malware detection. The code was generated using python in Ubuntu 18 environment.
  • Drug Re-purposing using machine learning algorithms - Drug repurposing (or repositioning) is a cost-effective approach for finding drugs that can be used to treat diseases for which those medications are not currently prescribed Using drug repurposing, we can identify the most promising drugs for further clinical investigations. Machine learning techniques were applied for drug repurposing to find existing drugs as an alternate medication for other diseases through drug-drug, drug-genes, drug-enzymes, and drug targets interactions.


  • Programming Languages - C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Java SE 17, ASP.NET 4.5, VB.NET 4.5, ADO.NET, MVC, WC
  • Scripting Languages - CSS, HTML, PERL, PHP, XML, Vbscript, JavaScript, JQuery 3.5, Ajax, Bootstrap 5.0, Python 3.8
  • Development Tools - Team Foundation Server 2018, Visual Studio 2019, .Net Framework 4.6, Visual Studio Code 5.0, ATLAB 2020, Microsoft Teams 78.0, OpenDSS-G, Typhoon Hill
  • Operating Systems - Unix, Red Hat Linux, Ubuntu 20.0, Windows Server 2019, Windows 11
  • Databases - IBM DB2, MS Access, Oracle 10, MS SQL Server 2021, SQLite 3.0
  • Web Servers - Internet Information Server 10.0, Apache Tomcat 10.0
  • Virtual Machine Software - Virtual Box 6.1, VMWare 7.0
  • Document and incident Management - Rational Requisite Pro 7.1, Rational Clear Quest 9.0, Doxygen 1.0
  • Testing Tools - Mercury Quality center9.0, QTP, NUNIT 2.0
  • Reporting Tools - Crystal Reports X1
  • Others - Software AG designer for Web Methods, SharePoint 2013, XLW (an excel C++ wrapper package), SAP CRM, GitHub Desktop, Wireshark is 4.0.

Work Experience

Water Management System (WMS), Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Harrisburg, PA, USA
NOV 2016 – Apr 2017

This project was developed by IT department of DEP. This system provides state staff to monitor the discharges released by various facilities across Pennsylvania. The facility owners are also provided access to the system to report their daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly report. The system generates daily monitoring report daily. This report is then transmitted to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Based on the report various actions are taken against the facilities.

  • Role: Senior .net MVC Developer
  • Technical Environment: Visual Studio 2015, TFS 2015, .NET 4.5, C#, WCF, MVC, XML, Oracle, Bootstrap, JQuery, ClosedXML

Comprehensive Workforce Development System (CWDS), Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry Harrisburg, PA, USA
Nov 2005 - Aug 2016

The project Common Wealth Workforce Development System (CWDS) is being developed and implemented by Deloitte Consulting LLP for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is a web-based application to build an integrated “one-stop" and case management system aimed at supporting Pennsylvania's workforce development needs. CWDS supports the workforce development strategy by creating a more market driven system in administration and finance, targeting and streamlining of funds, and increasing accountability.

  • Role: Track Lead/Senior .net Developer
  • Technical Environment: .NET 4.5, VB.NET, WCF, ADO.NET, XML, Windows 7, SQLServer 2014, JQuery, Web methods

Web Pre certification and Referral for MMO (Medical Mutual of Ohio) , Antares Management Solutions
SEP 2005 – NOV 2005

Antares Management Solutions is responsible for the all web based and .net based applications for Medical Mutual of Ohio. The main aim of the project was to convert the already existing application into .net based application. The main users of the system are the doctors and nurses, who are responsible for submitting Reviews for in patients and out patients. This application enables the review process online.

  • Role: .Net Developer
  • Technical Environment: ASP.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET, Windows 2000, SQL-Server 2000, DB2


Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN
09/2018 – Current

Ph. D in Computer Science

Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY
Jan 2001 - 12/2003

Master of science in Computer Science

Mepco Schlenk Engineering College,Sivakasi, Tamilnadu, India
Aug 1995 - Aug 1999

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science